Monthly visits from a specialist arborist have helped a 35 year old pōhutukawa tree settle into its new home on Winthrop Way in Aorere.
We carefully relocated the tree from nearby Mayflower Close in April 2021. Arborist Aaron Blackburn continues to ensure this beautiful tree will thrive for centuries to come.
Aaron’s maintenance work includes regular watering, monthly monitoring visits, weed control, mulch top-ups and fertiliser application. The tree remains strapped in place to ensure it integrates well into its new home.
The relocation of this beautiful pōhutakawa is an example of how it’s possible to save trees while also enabling space for new homes.
With new shoots expected shortly, we hope this ‘Kiwi Christmas Tree’ will be blooming for current and new residents in Aorere this December and for many Decembers to come.
You can read the full story about the tree’s relocation here.